library_books Documentation


PRO Sitemaps Wordpress Plugin

Those of our customers that own websites on the Wordpress platform will probably find this plugin useful.

While we host all created sitemaps and you can submit them to search engines directly from our servers (using sitemaphosting domain), this plugin allows you to turn an XML Sitemap created by PRO Sitemaps into a self-hosted sitemap, serving it directly using your website domain (like

Plugin also updates your robots.txt file to notify search engines about your sitemap, and optionally initiates sitemap update each time a new post is created on your website.


Installation steps are the same with any other Wordpress plugin:

  1. Download the plugin package from the official Wordpress Plugins website
  2. Upload the plugin package to the “wp-content/plugins/” folder on your website.
  3. Activate the plugin in the wp-admin Plugins section.

You would need to enter your PRO Sitemaps API key info on the Plugin Settings page (in Wordpress Admin section).

Sitemap on your domain

You can find those details in your account site entry -> navigation menu -> Use API:

API Menu

Right after completing your configuration you can access sitemaps using your website domain name:

Sitemap on your domain