History of your Sitemaps
► Note: this feature is only available for upgraded PRO Sitemaps accounts

We keep track of the changes made on your site, including added and removed pages, images and videos.
All these details are organized in a "Site History" report that is showing the full list of sitemap updates that were performed for each particular website.
Each "site history" record is linked to a separate report showing in-depth details for this sitemap.

In this report you will find the actual list of added and/or removed pages, compared to the previously created sitemap. Also, there is a full list of added/removed Images and Videos, including links to pages where these resources are embedded.
An important part of this detailed report is the list of Skipped pages, i.e. links that were found on the website but NOT included in a sitemap for different reasons:
- Canonical meta tag on this page is pointing to a different URL. open_in_newMore details
- The link is blocked with your website's robots.txt file
- The link is redirected to a different URL when you open it
- Subdomain is not matching defined "Starting URL". Note that there is a setting to allow including links from your website subdomains though
- The link is matching "Exclude URLs" setting defined in your account configuration
- "Non-20x HTTP Response Code" - normal webserver http response should return "code 200", otherwise the page is not included in sitemap. For instance: "code 404" means "File not found", "code 403" means "Access forbidden", "code 500" means "Server error" etc.