Customer Testimonials


What a time saver, and for the price it was definitely worth it, I would recommend this to anyone who has a website and wants a quick and easy application to create a site-map. Within 10 minutes I had site maps generated for each of my sites.

Ben N.,

Thank you so much for providing this service. I tried 2 other "free sitemap generators" that were supposed to be Google-friendly, and they both resulted in "error" when I submitted them to Google. This is after reading and rereading and not comprehending the Google webmaster tools (- they wrote the "website for dummies" books for me, and I even sometimes found those books challenging to follow). You see, not being a programmer or webdesigner, etc., I have had to shop around and try everything concerning building a website until I could find the user-friendliest tools. I am also so grateful for your definitions on the right-hand column.

Thank you for helping me make my new little business more visible!



We are using for a wile and we must to tell you that your service is excellent. Its one of a few that can make xml site maps it urls with spaces and we have many of them, so thanks for a state of the art web application.

Cristian Sepulveda R.,

I find Standalone Sitemap Generator to be a fantastic tool - so simple to use but incredibly useful. It installs in less than 5 minutes, it takes just 1 minute to configure and from this moment on it does everything automatically!

It saves me hours and hours of work, and the improvement in my site's ranking has been great. After removing the broken links reported by the Sitemap Generator and submitting the sitemap to Google and Yahoo the number of visitors to jumped from 52,000 to 65,000 per month. Many thanks to the developers!

Dr Alex Davidovic,

I have just completed my first ever website on behalf of my local Male Voice Choir. Following completion of the website I read the Google information on creating sitemaps and was left confused! I then found your website and in 4 easy steps had created sitemaps, the information on which sitemaps are required for which search engines was great.


Graeme Wishart,
Whitehaven Male Voice Choir, England

When I read Google's sitemap generator instructions in their webmaster tools I thought my head would explode. One more thing I would need a programmer to handle. Then I found

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! No more exploding head here! Just a big smile.

Barbara Robins,
Zemira: Releasing the Song of the Body

3 x thankyou!!!

I love your online sitemap generator service. I am a starter and I didn't have a clue how to create a Google sitemap. I searched in some forums and I found people that charged $10 to create xml sitemaps.

Man am I glad I found this service. It is so easy to use and it took me less than 1 minute to not only create a .xml sitemap but also get a .html sitemap and a ROR sitemap as well.

Thank you so much for this great service. Keep up the excellent work!

Ivo Fuykschot,

Sitemap Generators, well I have tried several on the net and not one comes close to XML Sitemaps.

Type in your website address, its as easy as that ! Spoon fed. I love it.

A big thanks to all who are concerned for adding this most usefull tool. I hope all goes well for you in the future and thanks once again.

Wish I had thought of the idea.

Lee Johnson,
SEO Studio


Since I only have limited web design experience, I was worried that I would never be able to get a site map done myself (or without a great expense). Your site is SO EASY, fast, and effective. Your links to Google & Yahoo have finally shown me exactly where I need to be focusing my time for SEO.

James Parrillo,
Stand Sure Information Services, Inc.

WOW, WOW, WOW. This was a wonderful process. I have been struggling for months trying to get the format correct. I scoured the web looking for ways to produce a sitemap and then your site came about. I was skeptical, but it turned out to be awesome.

It took a few minutes, but it was AWESOME. Thank you so much for this service.

Statture, Webmaster,

Well, what can be said? Your product is not only the best, but the ONLY one I use to successfully use to construct and change my sitemaps. It is now on my favourites list and highly recommended. Simple and Efficient.

With all of the recent changes with Google,MSN and Yahoo sitemaps its reassuring that this FREE service is robust enough to cope.

David from Cambridge,

I've used a few site map tools within the last year - this tool is the only one I'll need for years to come. I found your service easy to understand, use, and implement.

Thank you for the great tool and great site.

Greg Magnus,

Incredibly quick to sort files, easy to download and understand results.

Broken links service very good, saves so much time!


Any website that offers a free service on the Internet should get an honorable mention. Any website that offers an exceptional free service should get a testimonial and at minimum a donation, if not for any other reason to at least keep the service running. falls into both categories. Not only do they offer a free service they offer an exceptional free service. It's websites like XML-Sitemaps that showcase the "good" side of the Internet. Thanks XML-Sitemaps for your free, and exceptional, site-mapping services.

Rick Carbone,
Home Business

Wow, that was easy and the results were perfect. I tried to use other sitemap generators and they made my head spin. If only more programs operated like this, the web would be a much easier place to understand.

Highly recommended - 5 stars!!!!

James J Moore,
J&L Risk Mgmt Consultants, Inc.

Thank you for your contribution to the internet! I have used your free xml site map generator. I have tried many others but this is my personal favourite. It does the job and does it well.

This is on my definate buy list for next months website budget.

ali neil,

This tool is hands down the best we have ever used. As an seo company we recognize the importance of sitemaps for Google and other search engines to properly list your site.

The use of xml-sitemaps is also an unbelievable tool for helping to find broken links witch can dramatically affect your search engine rankings!

Kris Kinard,

I just used your Online Sitemap Generator Service to create a new sitemap for Google. It took all of 5 minutes to load the file onto my server and submit the sitemap to Google. Google picked up it up 2 minutes later.

I could not be more pleased. I had been looking at what was required to set up Google's Sitemap Program and this was a lot easier. Thanks.

Tom Cain,
Real Estate On The Web

The sitemap generator is an excellent tool. I use the tool everytime I update my site content, it makes re-submitting to Google a breeze.

Every webmaster should have in their favourites.

David Silvester,
Share World

It's remarkable how easy this was. I've been pondering using Google's sitemap generator, its completely unreasonable. My sitemap generated in 6.4 seconds, was accepted by Google with no problem.

You have a great product!

Thanks, (I am sending a donation)

Dan Freeman

Running a successful one-man Internet business over the past three years, I thought I could do everything by myself with no outside help. That is until I tried to create and upload a Google sitemap for my website. After four unsuccessful attempts last year, I moved it to my 2007 "must do" list.

In my search for help, I was fortunate to find I used their free site generator and was amazed at success in my first attempt. Unfortunately, I had over 500 pages in my website and their free site generator is limited to 500 pages.

I then signed up for their Unlimited Service. And, because of my prior futile attempts to upload prior sitemaps, I also signed up for their "upload-it-for-you" service. Two days and three emails later my Google sitemap is up and being updated automatically on a daily schedule. All done by the webmaster at for the unbelievable total price of $24.95. It was my best web service experience in 6-years on the Internet.

Bill Gaw,
Business Basics, LLC

WOW! I can't believe how simple the sitemap generator really is! I read long and hard on how to create a site map (and I'm pretty computer savvy) and had no luck. Your generator literally took minutes and was super easy! I only wish I found it sooner.

Thank you for offering such a wonderful product!


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